Discos de Radiohead con mis canciones favoritas de cada uno. Busquen los enlaces en otras páginas, pronto colgaré el audio de los conciertos.
In Rainbows Bodysnatchers * Nude * Weird Fishes/Arpeggi * All I Need * Reckoner * House of Cards * Jigsaw Falling into Place * Down is the New Up * Bangers and Mash
Hail To The Thief 2+2=5 * Where I End and You Begin * There There * A Punchup at a Wedding * Myxomatosis
Amnesiac Pyramid Song * I Might Be Wrong * Knives Out * Amnesiac/Morning Bell * Dollars and Cents * Life in a Glass House
Kid A The National Anthem * How to Disappear Completely * Optimistic * In Limbo * Idioteque * Morning Bell
Radiohead - OK Computer Subterranean Homesick Alien * Electioneering * Lucky * The Tourist
The Bends Planet Telex * Fake Plastic Trees * Just